
It stands out for its ability to meet customer needs by supporting them in the development of their networks. We have closely followed the evolution of mobile standards and continue to guide our clients through the progress of fixed access technologies.

In a dynamic sector like telecommunications, innovation is essential. That is why we are committed to staying up to date with the latest technologies and emerging trends, designing tailor-made solutions that address specific needs.

The team of experts offers both expertise and passion to help clients achieve their goals and tackle the ongoing challenges of the industry. We believe that only through constant dedication can we provide reliable and cutting-edge support in an ever-evolving market.


Planning and design

We create tailor-made solutions for fixed and mobile networks, covering 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies.

Implementation and integration

We put our designs into practice, ensuring seamless integration of fixed and mobile networks.

Analysis and optimization

We analyze existing networks and implement the necessary optimizations to improve performance for both fixed and mobile technologies, including 2G, 3G, and 4G.
We conduct field tests to assess signal quality and network performance for both fixed and mobile networks.
We evaluate network coverage and identify potential interferences, addressing both fixed and mobile technologies.

Monitoring and Maintenance

We continuously monitor network performance to ensure maximum efficiency and promptly address any issues.
Our helpdesk team is always ready to provide support and maintenance to ensure the proper functioning of networks and to resolve any problems that may arise.

Case Studies / Solutions

DSS for predictive mantainance

Sistema di Supporto alle decisioni (DSS)


Servizio di gestione End-to-End in ambito rete fissa ULL


Dispositivo hardware e software per auteveicoli

Rigel Project wins the XVII Edition of the Best Practices for Innovation Award

Il progetto RIGEL vince la XVII edizione del Premio Best Practices per l’Innovazione – Confindustria Salerno

A journey through the Internet of Things and Data Analysis: NetCom showcases its expertise

Un viaggio tra l'Internet of Things e la Data Analysis: NetCom racconta la propria expertise alla 5G Academy

NetCom at XXXVIII edition of Futuro Remoto, “Co-Scienze”

NetCom Group participates with a dedicated stand at the 38th Edition of Futuro Remoto, titled "CO-SCIENCES"


Join us!

We are looking for brilliant, creative, skilled, curious, and motivated individuals. We seek young graduates to engage, as well as experienced professionals to inspire towards new goals.

You can submit a spontaneous application by sending your CV via email.