
In our Cybersecurity lab, we employ the most advanced techniques and technologies to ensure cybersecurity in the new industrial era.

We address a wide range of topics, from the protection of information systems to the use of cutting-edge technologies, such as Blockchain and distributed systems, for developing IoT infrastructures with high-security requirements.


Blockchain technologies

Intrusion Detection System  

Cryptography & Security

Case Studies / Solutions


Progettazione Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico

Rigel Project wins the XVII Edition of the Best Practices for Innovation Award

Il progetto RIGEL vince la XVII edizione del Premio Best Practices per l’Innovazione – Confindustria Salerno

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Join us!

We are looking for brilliant, creative, skilled, curious, and motivated individuals. We seek young graduates to engage, as well as experienced professionals to inspire towards new goals.You can submit a spontaneous application by sending your CV via email.