On November 27th and 28th, in Naples and Lioni, events were held to showcase the scientific and technological research results of the BORGO 4.0. project.
The project represents the creation of an open-air laboratory for connected and autonomous mobility, where the key players of tomorrow’s Smart City — roads, infrastructures, vehicles, and citizens — interact in a dynamic and integrated network.
BORGO 4.0 stands out as a virtuous example of public-private collaboration, involving 53 companies in the sector, 3 public research centers, 5 universities in Campania, and the CNR, with the contribution of over 200 researchers.
On November 27th, at Città della Scienza, the results of the 16 project lines were presented during the meeting “Transition and Competitiveness: Challenges and Technologies for Connected Mobility.”
During the event, NetCom showcased the outcomes of its work in two vertical projects:
- C-MOBILITY, which developed services for cooperative driving among vehicles connected to a Smart Road. This included efficient algorithms for driver monitoring and predicting potential risks or dangers for drivers, passengers, and road infrastructure users, following V2X paradigms.
- E-MOBILITY, led by NetCom, aimed to introduce new components into a fully electric vehicle currently available on the market. The project implemented data-driven methodologies for predictive maintenance of identified systems and subsystems on November 28th, in Lioni, during the event “The ‘Borgo’ Becomes the Future: Here Are the Technologies. Lioni, a European Model for Mobility,” the experimental results of the project were presented.
The program of the event can be found at the following LINK
The program of the event can be found at the following LINK
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